Who To Call?
P993Q believes in open communication between home and school and aims to ensure all families are well informed regarding how to obtain support and information when things arise. Please use the chart below to guide you throughout the school year.
Classroom/Instructional Concerns
Step 1: Classroom Teacher; If not resolved…
Step 2: Unit Coordinator;If not resolved…
Step 3: Parent Coordinator; If not resolved…
Step 4: Assistant Principal; If not resolved…
Step 5: Principal
Transportation Concerns
Step 1: Unit Coordinator; If not resolved…
Step 2: Office of Pupil Transportation (OPT) at 718-392-8855; If not resolved…
Step 3: Assistant Principal; If not resolved…
Step 4: Principal; If not resolved…
Step 5: D75 Family Leadership Coordinator at 212-802-1614.
IEP Concerns
Step 1: Classroom Teacher/Therapist; If not resolved…
Step 2: Unit Coordinator/District Rep; If not resolved…
Step 3: School Psychologist; If not resolved…
Step 4: Assistant Principal; If not resolved…
Step 5: Principal
Medical Concerns
Step 1: School Nurse; If not resolved…
Step 2: Unit Coordinator; If not resolved…
Step 3: Assistant Principal; If not resolved…
Step 4: Nursing Supervisor; If not resolved…
Step 5: Principal
Requesting School Documents
Step 1: School Aide; If not resolved…
Step 2: Unit Coordinator; If not resolved…
Step 3: Parent Coordinator; If not Resolved…
Step 4: Pupil Accounting Secretary
Please allow up to 48 hours when requesting documents.
NYC Schools Account Info
If you need help with NYC Schools Accounts, please contact Parent Coordinator, Natisha Singh for assistance at (NSingh21@schools.nyc.gov).
If your issue has not been resolved after following ALL of the appropriate steps in the communication protocol, then please contact the Principal.
Jonathan Lonshein, Principal
85-15 258th Street
Floral Park, NY 11001
Phone: (718) 831-4040
* We Are Always Here To Help!**